Informing and supporting Macedon Ranges residents who object to mining in our shire and surrounds.

Help us by registering your interest, relevant details, or ability to help with the cause.

No Mining Macedon Ranges

Landowners and residents of Macedon Ranges against mining our land.

Macedon Ranges Distinctive Area and Landscape

“Protecting the future of the Macedon Ranges.”

Are you aware of this Statement of Planning Policy whereby the Macedon Ranges region was the first distinctive area and landscape to be officially recognised.

Page excerpt below…


The Victorian Government has amended the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to recognise and safeguard Victoria’s distinctive areas and landscapes. The Macedon Ranges region is the first distinctive area to be recognised.

The new legislative reform is a key milestone in the Victorian Government’s commitment to deliver protection for the Macedon Ranges and the first step towards implementing the Plan Melbourne 2017–2050 commitment to strengthen planning protection for our distinctive landscapes and valued non-urban areas.

Together with a Statement of Planning Policy (previously Localised Planning Statement) that includes designating long-term settlement boundaries for townships in the region expected to grow, it will better protect and enhance valued natural and rural landscapes.

Statement of Planning Policy

The Statement of Planning Policy (SPP) has been endorsed by all responsible public entities (different agencies and bodies responsible for managing land in the area) within the Macedon Ranges declared area.

Read the SPP document…

[continue reading at the State Government Engage website]

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