Informing and supporting Macedon Ranges residents who object to mining in our shire and surrounds.

Help us by registering your interest, relevant details, or ability to help with the cause.

No Mining Macedon Ranges

Landowners and residents of Macedon Ranges against mining our land.

Help us by registering

Help us by registering your interest, relevant details, or ability to help with the cause.

You will also receive regular email updates and calls to action.

Please complete the below form and submit.

How you will be publicly identified on this website if you choose to make public comments, etc.
1=Strongly DISAPPROVE --- 10=Strongly APPROVE

Your Address Information

* It is not required to provide your address or phone number to register for updates. However this information can help clarify where and how residents/landowners are impacted; and enable us to provide you location specific information.

This Website

This website is for residents, landholders, businesses and visitors of Macedon Ranges to be informed and inform on issues related to mining exploration and activity within the Macedon Ranges.

Your Privacy

If you register to receive updates, or submit any other personal information to this website it will be kept confidential by the Administrators (who are also Macedon Ranges residents).

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